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Ofsted and Performance Data

The results from our recent Ofsted visit has been produced and due to be published on the Ofsted website. We were pleased that the Inspection Team noted that pupils who attend our school are happy, feel safe and enjoy their learning. They said that staff have strong relationships with pupils and want the best for them - our values of "we learn, we grow, we achieve" are evident through the care we give to our children. Ofsted also noted that parents and carers are highly supportive of the school. Mrs Harper, the governors and all staff would like to thank you for your support.

A copy of the report is shown below.  



Please click on the below links for the current Ofsted Report, School Performance Tables and Parent View.

Statutory Data 2023-2024      (National Data in brackets)          2023 Results 



Good Level of Development:                   59%  ( 67%)                             61%   


Year 1

Phonics Working at Standard:                 72%  (79%)                            74%

Year 2 Phonics Re-take:                          94%   (89%)                           80%


Key Stage 1 Data

                                                    Reading                        Writing                        Mathematics

Expected Standard or above         68%  (68%)    75%        48% (60%)   67%         72% (70%)     74%

Greater Depth standard:               20%  (19%)    19%         10%   (8%)    4%           13%  (16%)     15%

