PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is not a statutory subject in primary schools. This means that there is no set programme of study or learning objectives that pupils have to fulfil.
But since the Covid pandemic, RSE (Realtionships & sex education) has become compulsory.
At Alumwell Infant School we aim to provide all our pupils with the initial building blocks necessary to embrace the challenges of a happy and successful adult life. Our PSHE and RSE Curriculum is set out to provide pupils with the invaluable knowledge that will help them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing and teach them the fundamental characteristics of healthy relationships.
There are three core themes of primary school PSHE:
1. Health and Wellbeing (including mental health)
2. Relationships (also called Relationships and Sex Education: RSE)
3. Living in the Wider World: economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen.
At Alumwell Infant school we teach PSHE through circle time activities and well-planned weekly lessons. We use online resources such as Discovery RSE, votesforschools and Go Givers to support our teaching along with appropriate story books and video clips. We also change and adapt our curriculum depending on current issues both globally and in our community.
In addition to the taught PSHE curriculum, the subject runs through all areas of the curriculum and has strong cross-curricular links to subjects such as Science and PE. PSHE is also taught informally when different situations arise, such as during unstructured times in school.