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"Science is finding out how things work in the world"


Science at Alumwell Infant School


Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced Science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in as a process of enquiry. We intend to build a Science curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and build a Science curriculum which enables children to become enquiry based learners. We intend that the children can understand and use scientific vocabulary appropriate for their stage of learning. Children will be able to make careful observations and experiment in a practical way so they develop curiosity and an ability to be effective problem solvers. The children have opportunities to develop their scientific understanding through using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions. These include observing changes, noticing patterns, making links between topics as well as grouping and classifying things.


Alumwell Infant School use ‘PlanBee’ resources for Science. This scheme, which is refined by our teachers, depending to meet the children’s needs, provides full coverage of the new National Curriculum. Through our long and medium term plans, we offer a structure and sequence of lessons for teachers ensure they have covered the skills required to meet the aims of the national curriculum. Science in our school will harness the natural curiosity of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage, promote respect for living organisms and the natural environment. It ensures that our children will acquire scientific knowledge, be able to retain what they know and recall what they’ve learnt in subsequent year groups, therefore becoming more knowledgeable and independent learners as they move through the key stages. Learning opportunities will enable all children to work collaboratively, apply their reading, writing and speaking skills to raise questions and make observations, methodically plan and safely carrying out investigations.


Working Scientifically


Working scientifically is broken down into seven skills which children develop through scientific investigation. We use the enquiry skill icons from the Primary Science Teaching Trust to familiarise children with scientific vocabulary and aid them to develop working scientifically skills throughout our science curriculum.


These skills are:

Asking questions, making predictionssetting up tests, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results and evaluating.




Click on the images below to take a look at how the Working Scientifically Enquiry Skills are implemented throughout our science curriculum:

Meet our Science Ambassadors!


We are very excited to announce our 2024 - 2025 Science Ambassadors from Year 2. The Science Ambassadors are keen to share their love of Science and promote Science across the school. 


Science After School Club


To raise the profile of science and promote scientific discovery, Science Club is offered to each year group on a half-termly basis. This has encouraged an increased excitement around science and has given the children more opportunities to work scientifically and use key scientific vocabulary. This after school club is enjoyed by all children who attend and gives the children additional opportunities to explore scientific experiments outside our timetabled science lessons.

Science at Home

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have taken part in the Science at Home challenge with their children. We have been blown away with the all of your excellent creations and experiments!


Take a look at the wonderful responses we have received from children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:

Science Enrichment through Educational Visits and External Visitors

What our children think about Science:

