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Welcome to 1C Class!


We really enjoyed our extra Curriculum activity with a Gymnast Alisha Evanson.

We done to Harriet for winning the World Book Day competition in 1C.

We had so much fun dressing up for 'World Book Day'.

At Christmas we had a fabulous party and Santa came to Alumwell Infant School.

In our festival topic we made a poppy wreath as part of our 'Remembrance Day' work.

As part of our Festival topic we have been learning all about the story of 'Rama and Sita' and to celebrate the festival we made Diva out of Clay.

In Science we did an experiment. We had to taste difficult foods and smell different foods as part of our senses work.

In Science the children were looking in their environment. They looked at the bark on trees, leaves and branches. They also looked for insects they used magnifying glasses to observe carefully.

Geography field trip around our local area

We made houses from 1666 out of clay during the Great fire of London topic
