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Welcome to 2P

Please take a look at our learning journey in Year 2. 

We painted and decorated smile stones

During creative arts week we celebrated The Paris Olympics 2024 making lots of different crafts and attended a dance workshop. We even learnt some French.

On the 26th of June 2P went to Rhyl beach with 2W and 2F. the sun was shining, we had our picnic, we paddled, played in the sand and enjoyed a cool ice cream or ice lolly. Some of us had a sleep on the coach on the way back to school.

Summer Term 2 

Our last team at Alumwell Infant school is going to be extra busy. We have lots of exciting things planned.

In our D and T lesson we have explored tie dying and have created our own t-shirts, we can wear these when we go to the beach in a couple of weeks time.

The children used iPads to look at pictures of Rhyl. The children then used Google Maps to locate Rhyl and research the route from our school.

In our science lessons we have carried out experiments to help us understand how and why some animals adapt to their habitats and how they survive.

Today the children used iPads to look at pictures of Rhyl. The children then used Google Maps to locate Rhyl and research the route from our school.

Exploring tie dye techniques. On Thursday we followed the instructions to tie dye a t-shirt and then on Friday we were so excited to look at our creations.

Summer Term 1 

This half term in science we went on a minibeast hunt. In  our D and T lessons we made minibeasts. We also completed a sponsored walk, thank you for sponsoring us! 

Sponsored Walk

Minibeast hunt , looking at micro habitats

Spring Term 2 

We may have had a short half term but we have taken part in a lot of learning experiences. 

Spring hat parade, Easter egg rolling and Easter egg hunt. Good to be green fun! Happy Easter from 2P

World Book Day 2024

Dance Workshop - linked to the story Where the wild things are.

Professional Athlete Visit - Alisha Evanson

Spring term 1 

During this half term in our history lessons we have been learning about astronauts that have been to space. We researched facts about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake . We then compared the two astronauts for similarities and differences. 


We had a planetarium in our school hall and enjoyed learning more about space including the stars, planets and other astronauts.


In out D&T lessons we planned and  created moon buggies. We  discussed different features of vehicles and identified the different parts of them e.g. wheel, axle, chassis, body, cab. We then had to practise joining wheels and axles to allow movement.

Afterwards  we created a moon buggy – enhancing simple chassis, wheel and axle body with appropriate bodywork.

Spring Term 1 To enrich our learning Curtis brought the 'Wonder dome' to school, "we felt like we were really in space". We looked at the stars, planets and the milky way as well as learning about some astronauts that have been to space.

We have created moon buggies in out D&T lesson.

Numbers Day 2024. today we took part in the NSPCC Numbers Day. We raised money for a charity and had lots of fun wearing clothes with numbers on, playing games and completing number activities.

Autumn 2 

We have been learning about Kings and Queens.

We have researched facts about Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. We then compared the two Queens for similarities and differences.

We have also found out facts about King Charles III.

In our art lessons we used a variety of media to create portraits.


RE with Rev. Emily

Christmas Jumper Day

Creating portraits of Queen Elizabet I, Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III

Sequencing the lives of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II

Welcome to Year 2 - 2P have had a busy half term learning all about castles in our history lessons. In addition to our visit to Tamworth Castle, we have taken part in some field work in geography to explore why castles were built where they were. 

In our Art and D&T we have designed and made shields, used clay to make coil drinking vessels and looked at the water colour paintings by JMW Turner and created our own pictures of castles. We have also worked in groups to create a castle with a working drawbridge.




2P went on a visit to Tamworth Castle to enrich our learning in History about castles.

Art- designing and creating shields using a variety of materials and thinking carefully about the colours and images used.

We have painted water colour pictures of castles in the style of J.M.W Turner

Castles with a working drawbridge . Children have worked in groups to create their castles


Welcome to 1P Class!

Look at all of the wonderful experiences we had in Year 1

Planting a Sunflower
